Troy Anderson: A Journey of Faith, Insight, and Impact
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Troy Anderson is a Pulitzer Prize-nominated investigative journalist, five-time #1 bestselling FaithWords, Chosen Books and Salem Books author, founder and president of the Inspire Literary Group, vice president of Battle Ready Ministries, former executive editor of Charisma magazine and Charisma Media, reporter at the Los Angeles Daily News, and a frequent guest on many television and radio programs.
He’s co-author of the #1 FaithWords/Hachette Book Group bestsellers The Babylon Code and Trumpocalypse, #1 Chosen Books/Baker Publishing Group bestsellers The Military Guide to Armageddon and The Military Guide to Disarming Deception, and #1 Salem Books bestseller Revelation 911, as well as the #2 “Hot New Release” Your Mission in God's Army, released by Chosen Books on April 16, 2024
Anderson spent two decades as a reporter, bureau chief, and editorial writer at the Los Angeles Daily News, The Press-Enterprise and other newspapers. Today, he writes for Reuters, Newsmax, Townhall, Christianity Today, Charisma, Charisma News, Human Events, The American Spectator, The New American, Outreach, and other media outlets. His articles have also appeared in the Chicago Tribune, The Huffington Post, San Francisco Chronicle and the San Jose Mercury-News.
During his career, Anderson has won more than two dozen local, state and national writing awards, 2011 and 2012 Eddie Awards (Folio: magazine’s prestigious journalism awards), two 2015 Charlie Awards (Florida Magazine Association's top award), was nominated for the Pulitzer Prize, and was featured as an investigative reporter in The McGraw-Hill Companies book, Careers for Puzzle-Solvers & Other Methodical Thinkers.
He’s a member of the American Society of Journalists and Authors, the nation's premier organization of independent nonfiction writers who have met ASJA's exacting standards of professional achievement. He's also a member of Investigative Reporters & Editors, the Association of Ghostwriters and Gotham Ghostwriters, a network of over 3,200 of the nation's premier ghostwriters who have written hundreds of bestsellers for globally known figures and celebrities. He's a graduate of the Act One and Movieguide screenwriting programs.
He and his exceptional team at the Inspire Literary Group ghostwrite, coauthor and edits books for faith, business and military leaders, celebrities, experts and people from all walks of life. Find out more at the Inspire Literary Group and Troy Anderson Literary Services.
He's also vice president and chief operations officer of Battle Ready Ministries, co-founder with Pastor Paul Begley of Revelation Watchers, and founder and editor-in-chief of the online news magazine Prophecy Investigators.
He’s interviewed many prominent national figures, including Billy Graham, Franklin Graham, Anne Graham Lotz, Pastor Rick Warren, Dr. Ben Carson, Dr. Tim LaHaye, Hal Lindsey, Pastor Greg Laurie, Kevin Sorbo, Lt. Gen. William G. "Jerry" Boykin, Joel Rosenberg, Rabbi Jonathan Cahn, David Horowitz, Patrick Buchanan, Mark Hitchcock, Nick Vujicic, Lee Strobel, Kirk Cameron and Pat Boone.
Anderson is honored to be a descendant of famed Ode to Joy poet, playwright and philosopher Friedrich von Schiller. Schiller wrote many famous plays, including Don Carlos (an inspiration for George Lucas’ Star Wars), Mary Stuart (the story of the last days of Mary, Queen of Scots), The Maid of Orleans (the tale of Joan of Arc) and Wilhelm Tell (the inspiration for the theme song to The Lone Ranger). Schiller also wrote the poem Ode to Joy that Ludwig van Beethoven set to music in the Ninth Symphony, now the European Anthem. Schiller was recently named the greatest playwright in Europe after William Shakespeare.
At age 9, Anderson’s grandmother encouraged him to follow in Schiller’s footsteps. In 2009, Anderson learned that Schiller may have died under mysterious circumstances while writing a play that would have exposed the plans of a powerful 18th century secret society. This discovery propelled Anderson to pick up where Schiller left off more than 200 years ago and investigate whether powerful, behind-the-scenes forces are helping bring about the fulfillment of end-times prophecies.
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Biographical Highlights
■ Two decades of experience as a reporter, editorial writer and editor at the Los Angeles Daily News, The Press-Enterprise and other newspapers;
■ Seven years of experience as executive editor of The Return International, senior editor of Godspeed Magazine, and executive editor of Charisma magazine and Charisma Media;
■ B.S., University of Oregon, news-editorial journalism; more than two dozen writing awards, including first places for feature writing, best series and investigative reporting, and 2011 and 2012 Eddie Awards (Folio: magazine's prestigious journalism prizes);
■ Member of the American Society of Journalists and Authors, Investigative Reporters & Editors, the Association of Ghostwriters and Gotham Ghostwriters;
■ Speaker at conferences, churches and other venues, including some with more than 7,000 audience members. Anderson spoke recently at The Renewal: Restoring America's Founding Covenant at a 10,000-seat amphitheater in Plant City, Florida (seen by 8.5 million people worldwide on television and via simulcast); Hear the Watchmen's "The Warriors Conference" in San Diego, California and "Disclosure on the Coast: Prophecy Unveiled" in Irvine, California; Redigging the Wells of Revival on Azusa Street in Los Angeles broadcast on GOD TV; a Battle Ready Ministries conference at the 1,500-member Thrive Church in Elk Grove, California; Battle Ready "Warrior Training" conferences at Morningside USA, home of The Jim Bakker Show; and Movieguide’s 23rd Annual Faith & Values Awards Gala. He wrote a speech that the publisher of Charisma delivered at a United Nations event regarding the persecution of Christians in the Middle East.
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Cell phone: 949-887-1511
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